What's Next: Currently In Planning Stages or Being Worked On Now.

Of course, as one might expect, the following feature-projections are sorted by an intuitive classification system; I have attempted to classify them according to one of the following means:

  1. What features I will be working on (and hopefully completing) within the coming days or weeks.
  2. What features I will be keeping in mind in the coming two to four months.
  3. What features will take longer than four months, or are dependent upon one of the above tasks.
  4. What features are more likely dream wishes, are not in immediate application scope, or have not been otherwise classified.
  5. What features have been removed from any of the above categories (generally, including a reason why it/they are removed).

I am eager and willing to accept proposals for features to be added into the program, data or help files. You may even make suggestions on any of the following features you'd like to see implemented. (Unless a necessary fix or tweak, added items will, by default, be added into the third or fourth categories, and adjusted up or down as appropriate.)

And now, the laundry list of things to be done:

I Will Be Working On These Items Now or Extremely Soon

I Will Be Keeping These Items In Mind

I Will Take Longer To Get These Items Going

I Am Unlikely To Start These Anytime Soon

I Have Removed These From The Above Categories